Hey Girl! This One's For You!

If you haven't heard about SD Girl, now is your chance to check out this cool ezine, the teen spin-off of SD Magazine. They offer a mix on fashion, beauty, dating, music and even writing. It's a magazine for you. About you.
Why am I posting about a teen mag on a blog for writers? Because they are open to articles that matter to young women. You have an idea for an article? Pitch it. And if you like to write short stories or poems, well, there is a special place reserved for that too. Check out the Write On corner where you are invited to showcase your work.
I should point out that there is no compensation offered. In general, I'm a believer that you should be paid for your writing if it's being published. However, for a young writer starting out, getting exposure and experience matters. Take a chance.
At 5:09 AM,
Unknown said…
My hats off to SD. I am a firm supporter in anything that encourages young writers. I hope you don't mind, but I've added your link in my banners section on my website. I like to point my girls in any direction that might help them on their journey.
Thanks for the heads up.
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