Young Adult Creative Writing Workshops (YACWW)

Thursday, April 12, 2007

What we've been up to...

We've been a bit AWOL it seems, so we thought we'd catch you up with what's happening. After the chat we arranged for Adelle Laudan (see post below), we were contacted by a high school teacher in Louisiana about arranging chats for her five 11th grade English classes. Your YACWW moderators have been busy tracking down authors, editors and passing out invites.

In doing so, we found this website called that is very cool. It showcases debut YA authors whose books are coming out in 2007. There is a terrific lineup. It's worth scrolling down the list of authors located on the righthand sidebar. Quite a few books are not only edgy but deal with real tough subjects like suicide, abuse, gangs and mental illness. Way cool to see authors not shy away from hard topics.

Once authors get back to me and we have a list, we'll be posting names and their websites so you all can see who they are and what their stories are about. When it's over we hope to have feedback to post on the blog. Cross your fingers that this event goes off successfully.



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