Upcoming Conferences Spring 2008

Have you heard about these upcoming Children's writing conferences?
24th Annual Children’s Literature Conference April 26, 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY
Fee $99, Lecturers to be announced
Co-sponsored by the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators
Here’s an opportunity for published and aspiring writers and illustrators to
gather with librarians, educators, editors, booksellers and all others who wish
to create or share good children’s books. The program features two general
session speakers; six special-interest groups (from which students may choose);
and a panel of two children’s book editors, who will critique many randomly
selected, first-manuscript pages submitted by registrants. Be inspired to begin or
complete that children’s book you’ve always wanted to write!
For registration or more info http://www.hofstra.edu/Academics/CCEPA/index_ccepa.cfm
6th annual Hofstra Network of Education Teachers (HNET) Conference, March 8, 8:30am - 2:00pm
Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY
The fifth annual Hofstra Network of Elementary Teachers (HNET) conference is open to all prospective and current elementary teachers and administrators. Workshops explore elementary and early childhood literacy, mathematics, science and social studies, as well as how to land your first teaching job. Admission is free. Teachers receive a staff development letter for submission to their districts. Keynote speaker:Beth Dykstra Van Meeteran “Are Constructivist Classrooms Unstructured?”
Iowa early childhood master teacher and author
Free to general public
For more info or to register officially, you need to email HNET@hofstra.edu with your name, address, home phone #, school, and email
For more info on Hofstra Events visit http://www.hofstra.edu/home/index.html
International Women's Writing Guild
Annual Conferences around the USA, Ongoing dates
The IWWG, founded in 1976, is a network for the personal and professional empowerment of women through writing and open to all regardless of portfolio
For more info check out http://www.iwwg.com/
Or download their registration form http://www.iwwg.com/pdf/CA2008.pdf
Information courtesy of Write4kids.com. (permission to reprint)
Utah State Valley College (USVC) Forum on Children's Literature, March 20 & 21
Utah State Valley College, Orem, UT.
The annual Forum on Children's Literature will feature Caldecott Medalist David Small, Newbery Honor recipient Kirby Larson and Simon & Schuster editor Alexandra Penfold. The conference features workshops, peer critique groups, book signings and more. Details at http://www.uvsc.edu/conted/c&w/forumChildrenLiterature/08/
Colorado Christian Writer's Conference, May 14-17
Estes Park, CO.
This major conference covers a wide range of topics of interest to the Christian writer. Three full days of panels, workshops and addresses. More info: http://writehisanswer.com/colorado/
The Native American Literature Symposium, Many Voices, One Center, March 27-29 Minneapolis, MN.
Panel discussions, readings, exhibits, demonstrations, and workshops highlighting the heritage and impact of Native Americans on current American literature. http://english2.mnsu.edu/griffin/
For more info on upcoming conferences in your neigborhood.
Go to http://write4kids.com/aboutcbi.html